Artwork > Bio- Art/Photo Journal

Sick of the same old boring cards at Walgreens....... try my Bizarre Cards....

How about ...a Vintage Victorian pin-up, or a woman sitting on a bed with a grizzly bear...or The Bearded Lady herself in all her freakish glory??? ...

What about Rosie the Riveter, or Eva Peron, Venus on the half-shell, Eleanor Roosevelt, The ghost of Jim Morrison or Abraham Lincoln the Vampire Slayer?

Grimacing typewriters, birds in your hair, seashell bras, Joan of Arc, lacy cupcakes, unicorns running on the beach, metal corsets, contortionists, Cleopatra and Isis, Royal Weddings, Ribcages and ribbons, eyeballs and top hats....antlers and ant farms...

If that is not your cup of tea, how about: exotic places and semi-terrifying spaces....Vintage Barbie and snake handlers? Ghosts in the machine, sparrows and hearts, lace and pencil shavings.......creamy hot chocolate and brown-eyed owls.....haunted castles and witchcraft...

How about squids fighting whales, or a girl with a bird's head, Gypsy Rose and Bette Page, elephants in hot-air balloons, Zombies and dried leaves, bleeding hearts and Mythical beasts, haircuts with garden tools, streets of Florence, Trapeze artists and mimes, Vintage Postcards and Remarkable 1950's ads......

I've got it all...anything your heart desires....for every Bizarre occasion in your life.

More of my Bizarre Cards
More of my Bizarre Cards
Mixed Media, Found Object, Recyled Art and Appropriation