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Zelda and Atlas
Zelda and Atlas

Zelda holding Atlas. A child born in a snowstorm at home. The remarkable thing about this birth is that having this boy born at home , his big sister was there to witness, provide support and see her Mother as this incredible passageway of life ....this cosmic goddess spilling forth life. Clearly this family is reimagining how we view birth. I never met Zelda but have seen over a hundred images of her pregnancy , labor ,birth and postpartum as Maggie's assistant, pouring over them ,organizing them for designs and prints in the future . There is this particular image of her reclined, holding Atlas against her skin with a single hand cradling his small head. Her face is the wolf. The wolf and the world. You can see the fatigue of the physicality of birth but you also see the peace. You see the triumph. You see all this fierce, sharp love and know this boy will grow to be a man that is loved, unconditionally. A man to make his Father proud. I had to draw this moment. It should be remembered.
Zelda and Atlas February 2022. Sg.